Friday, December 12, 2014

Cyber Monday Haul!

I'm the worst! I sincerely apologize for my epic failure of a blogmas, but I got really caught up with finals and kind of personal issues, so I am putting it to rest. I suppose I'll give it another shot next year, haha! In brighter news, my cyber Monday/ Black Friday online deals all came in, and I am excited to share them all with you guys!


1) Acid Wash Joni's- Topshop was doing buy one get one free on all their sale items, which was incredible! The challenge then was finding things that were still available and then still in my size. Kendall Jenner wore a pair of acid wash jeans like this a while back, styled with a plain white crop top, and she just looked incredible, so I am really excited to now own a pair as well!

Thanks Kendall for the inspo!

2) Denim trapeze dress- This was my "free" Topshop buy. This dress will probably hide out in my closet until spring/ summer... but when that time of year comes around, I have a certain black/white striped and sleeved crop top I'm planning on wearing it with!


1) tank top- I had never purchased anything from Salsit before, but I'd browsed their website a few times (and have been following them on IG!) and so I figured now, when everything online was 40% off, if was my time to strike. I bought this tank top because it looked versatile and easy to wear, but also because on the website they'd modeled it with an asymmetrical white skirt, and I am looking forward to recreating that look with a very similar skirt from Zara :)

2) Leather skirt- Is there anything this season that isn't better in leather? I love the paneling on this skirt, and the zippers aren't just a cute accessory, they're actually functional! The skirt is a really awesome length too, it ends about an inch or so above the knee, which is awesome for professional and work settings! 


1) Black Bomber- The only thing I picked up from Forever 21 was this bomber jacket, which I'd been eyeing online for awhile, and had not yet shown up in my local stores. It wasn't on sale, but shipping was free, so at least it wasn't any more expensive than it would have been in stores. I've already worn it a handful of times, and I absolutely love it, it goes with just about everything!

That's all of the things that I picked up! I love online shopping, the only pain is always paying for shipping :( Did you participate in Cyber Monday? Let me know what you guys got :)

Hopefully you'll hear from me soon, haha!

Stay beautiful!
- Whit

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